Company Types
How It Works
Accountancy and Legal
Partner & Affiliates
The business name can be registered with the Companies House but you have to make sure that no other company is registered with the same name that you are using. Companies house has rights to reject the names that uses sensitive words or expressions or the names which are offensive.
When the name is been officially agreed, then the Companies House will issue a certificate for the confirmation of the registration and to add the name of your company to its registered list of companies that are available to public. When you are set to choose a business name make sure to get a matching website domain.If you find a domain name that is not being used yet, then you can obtain that domain from an online domain marketplace for your own use. There are generally two versions one is the and the another is the The version is for running the business overseas but if you think that you want to run your business only in the UK, then its better to have the version.
Trademarking is essential in preventing others from using your business name once you complete your registration with your corresponding domain.